I am Elaine a qualified natural health practitioner working with homeopathy and massage. I am passionate about natural health & wellbeing.
As a homeopath I work with you focusing on any imbalances and taking into consideration your whole being. I am dedicated to finding you a natural remedy to help you feel more balanced and energised in your life. I am available for homeopathic consultation online via video call from anywhere in the world. I am also available for in person homeopathic consultations & massage at Sjöhuset, Bromma in Stockholm. I also practice massage therapy at Elenis Hälsohörna in Sundbyberg, Stockholm. I look forward to meeting you and guiding you on your journey.
Wherever you are in the world, we can connect online in a virtual clinic for a chat and to answer any questions. Click here to book a free 15 min chat to find out more about homeopathy can help you.
Homeopathic Online Consultations
Choose from a range of Homeopathic consultations on offer including a free 15 minute chat to find out more about how homeopathy can help you. For a detailed description of each consultation, click here. This service is for international clients wanting a homeopathic online consultation.
Massage Therapy in Stockholm, Sweden
I am a professional massage therapist offering classic, remedial, pregnancy and lymphatic massage. I worked in Sydney at various massage clinics and at an organic spa with relaxing body treatments. I have also studied traditional Thai massage at Wat Po in Bangkok. I can blend the massage styles to suit your needs. Whether you are looking for relaxing, gentle massage or deep tissue work, you can choose the massage to suit your needs. I am at two locations in Stockholm, Sweden; Sjöhuset, Bromma & Elenis Hälsöhorna, Sundbyberg.
Jag är en professionell massageterapeut som erbjuder klassisk, djupgående, graviditets och lymfmassage. Jag arbetade i Sydney på olika massagekliniker och på ett ekologiskt spa med olika avslappnande kroppsbehandlingar och ansiktsbehandlingar. Jag har också studerat thaimassage på Wat Po i Bangkok. Jag kan blanda massagestilarna för att passa dina behov. Oavsett om du letar efter avkopplande, klassisk eller behandlings massage – välj din massage nedan. Jag är på två platser i Stockholm; Sjöhuset, Bromma & Elenis Hälsöhorna, Sundbyberg.
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